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Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest

iSeekSupport is committed to ensuring that actions and decisions taken at all levels in our organisation are informed, objective and fair. A conflict of interest may affect how a staff member acts or their choices. Identified conflicts of interest require action to be undertaken by our organisation to ensure that personal or individual interests do not impact your or our services, activities or decisions.

iSeekSupport requires all staff to declare their involvement in external work-related activities to allow for discussion and management of the potential conflicts of interest with the Practice Manager. Declaration and management of a conflict of interest are handled by the Practice Manager. If you undertake other (new) work outside of our organisation, you must inform the Practice Manager immediately.

As a participant, please let us know if you feel a conflict of interest. We will provide you with a Conflict of Interest Declaration Form to complete.

In the event you declare or identify a conflict of interest, the Practice Manager will assess the conflict to determine if a conflict of interest exists (or there is a perception that a conflict exists). A meeting will be convened to discuss the conflict, and you may be asked to:

● contribute to the discussion, but abstain from voting or taking part in a decision on the matter

● observe but not take part in the meeting or decision-making

● leave the meeting during the discussion and before a decision has been made.

All potential and actual conflicts will be recorded in the Conflict of Interest Register to oversee the identified and declared conflicts.

You will be informed of the outcome of the review by the Practice Manager and, if there is a conflict, advised how our organisation will manage the conflict.

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